1 + 1 + 1 = 3
Dries Segers | Denitsa Todorova | Caroline Van den Eynden
14.09 – 14.10.2018 at DMW Gallery
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The exhibition ‘1 + 1 + 1 = 3’ combines three artists represented by DMW Gallery with distinct visions on the construction of an artistic medium and the use of material into a compelling narrative.
Denitsa Todorova looks closely at how the drawing process can be explored. She uses graphite in such a way as to cover or reveal something hidden on a blank paper, wall or canvas. The negative is confused with the positive. The greyness of the image is also subject to the conditions of the space, the day and the light in which it finds itself.
Light is exactly what is necessary for Dries Segers. He works with photographic processes in such a way that they react differently from what they are used to. Photography is typically conducted in accordance with strict rules. It’s in bending and exploring these rules that Dries tries to push their boundaries so as to find accidental ways of dealing with the technical medium of photography.
Caroline Van den Eynden is known for her architectural and spatial constructions. She proposes new spaces by building and designing models and unscaled interventions. Transparency, layers and the use of different materials try to find a way around their surfaces. Architecture is to employ and move space. Van den Eynden creates fictional proposals for disillusioned places.