Caroline Van den Eynden invites Thomas Raat
20.10 – 03.12.2017 at DMW Gallery
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Caroline Van den Eynden invites Thomas Raat for a duo expo at DMW Gallery centred on a large site-specific butterfly-like installation.
The works of Caroline Van den Eynden and Thomas Raat are characterised by a sensitive use of materials and a delicate sense of space. For the exhibition ‘Le Papillon de l’Architecture’, individual works by Van den Eynden and Raat are complemented by a large installation dissecting the entire length of the gallery space, made jointly by both artists for this exhibition. The impressive size and deliberate placing of the installation is such that the individual works of both artists throughout the gallery space become physically connected as well. ‘Le Papillon de l’Architecture’, the title of the installation as well as the expo, is a reference to the adjustable space, both in general and of a gallery in particular.
The collaboration between Caroline Van den Eynden and Thomas Raat at DMW Gallery was concluded by the presentation of a multiple by Van den Eynden. For more about the multiple and its availability, see the section ‘Duo Show Multiples’ on this site.